Studio Krate

Studio Krate

About Us

StudioKrate Advertising Private Limited

Studiokrate is an advertising company which provides full scale Marketing, Branding and Advertising Services for clients of different sectors.

Studiokrate offering Railway Advertising in Tamilnadu, Rail is a massive space when it comes to advertising. Lots of space and all possible type of ads can be implemented in a rail. The exterior and interior of the trains, railway stations, platforms, ceilings, corridors, escalators, stairways, all these places are available for placing ads.

Studiokrate provide creative Ad film production and also provide all round branding activities for clients. We have a focused creative team which delivers top notch output and solutions as per client requirements.

Studiokrate collaborate with leading brands and companies in Tamilnadu to advertise their products and services.

For Further business related enquires contact,
Mr.Kandasamy (proprietor) - 9500177510
Mr.Bromio - 8056370421

Our few TV Commercial Advertisements


This is what I can do for you

Railway Advertising

Corporate Ads

Infilm Advertising

Radio Advertisements

Our Respected Clients

Proudly worked with:

Saravana Stores
Lyca Kovai Kings
ChinnaDurai & Co
Otto Shirts
Saravana Stores
Vasanth & Co
Lalitha Jewellery
Shelton Shirts
Vasanth & Co
Minister white

Contact Us

Mr K. Kanda Samy(Proprietor)

Head Office:
58,Kannabiran Nagar,
Chennai - 600093
Branch Office:
Dr.Chelladurai Nagar,
Tirunelveli - 627011

Telephone No: (0462)-2983400 | Mobile No: 9500177510 / 9444999611
Email: | GSTIN: 33DVGPK2279K2Z9